Director’s Corner
2024 AAMC Biomedical Research Training Conference
Oct. 30, 2024—By Dr. Megan Willams (MSTP Assistant Director) Members of the Vanderbilt MSTP Leadership Team attended the 2024 Biomedical Research Training Conference Hosted by the AAMC Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) in Dallas, TX October 7-9. Dr. Chris Williams, MSTP Director, said “The AAMC GREAT meeting was fantastic – packed with networking and brainstorming...
2022 Biomedical Research Training Conference
Nov. 1, 2022— Members of the Vanderbilt MSTP Leadership Team attended the 2022 Biomedical Research Training Conference Hosted by the AAMC Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) in Chicago, IL September 29-October 1. Dr. Chris Williams said “It was terrific to attend the meeting to network with other directors and staff, and see our Leadership...
Director’s Corner – Honoring Zachary Jones
Oct. 1, 2021—Remarks given at Celebration Service for Zachary Jones, Langford Auditorium, 9/22/2021 by Chris Williams, MD, PhD I am humbled to be able to share a few remarks at this important memorial for Zachary. I am grateful for the students who have been so willing to share stories that highlight different aspects of Zach’s personality and...
Physician-Scientists Represented by Dr. Williams at the 2019 Rally for Medical Research
Oct. 31, 2019—by Rachel Brown (G3) On September 18th-19th, 2019, Vanderbilt MSTP Director Chris Williams attended the 2019 Rally for Medical Research on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The annual Rally for Medical Research unites 350 organizations to form a broad coalition representing the medical research advocacy community. Rather than lobbying Members of Congress separately, representatives...
Director’s Corner
Apr. 30, 2019—by Dr. Chris Williams (Vanderbilt MSTP Director) This is one of my favorite times of the year. The seasons are changing, warmer weather has arrived, and outdoor activities ensue. Within the MSTP, the M1s have hit their stride, and the M2s have adapted to the dynamic nature of clinical medicine and the constantly changing teams...
Training the Physician-Scientist: Views from Program Directors and Aspiring Young Investigators
Feb. 26, 2019—Read MSTP Director Christopher Williams, MD, PhD‘s Op-Ed published recently in JCI Insight. Training the physician-scientist: views from program directors and aspiring young investigators. Williams CS, Iness AN, Baron RM, Ajijola OA, Hu PJ, Vyas JM, Baiocchi R, Adami AJ, Lever JM, Klein PS, Demer L, Madaio M, Geraci M, Brass LF, Blanchard M, Salata...
Double Feature: Get to know Vanderbilt MSTP Director and Alumnus Chris Williams, M.D., Ph.D. (’02)
Jan. 31, 2019—by Rachel Brown (G2) As Vanderbilt MSTP trainees know, our own MSTP Director, Dr. Chris Williams, graduated from the Vanderbilt MSTP in 2002. Thus, we decided that an official Alumni Profile of Dr. Williams was long overdue. I sat down with Dr. Williams to ask him more about his training path, life as a physician-scientist,...
Meet Dr. Lourdes Estrada: MSTP Associate Director of Academic Programs and Operations
Aug. 23, 2016—by Maggie Axelrod (M2) Dr. Lourdes Estrada is joining the MSTP leadership team as an Associate Director, stepping into Michelle Grundy’s position, officially starting in September. Dr. Grundy will be with us until the end of December, and will serve on the Senior Oversight Committee after that. I got to know Dr. Estrada as a...
Get to know Dr. Ambra Pozzi: MSTP Associate Director of Graduate Education
Aug. 23, 2016—by Rachel Brown (M2) After serving as an Avery-Cohen college advisor for 9 years, Dr. Ambra Pozzi will be joining the MSTP Leadership Team as Associate Director for Graduate Education. She will work in close collaboration with Dr. Danny Winder in providing support and guidance for our students during the graduate phase of their training,...
Director’s Corner: Integration of Physician-Scientist Education and Training
Jul. 27, 2016—by Christopher Williams (Vanderbilt MSTP Director) On Being an MSTP Director I am thrilled and honored to have been asked to serve as the director of Vanderbilt’s Medical Scientist Training Program. I certainly feel humbled to know that I am following in the footsteps of outstanding institutional leaders, including Daryl Granner (7 years), David Robertson (10...